Saturday, December 3, 2011

Book Review: Torn by Jud Wilhite


Trusting God When Life Leaves You in Pieces
By Jud Wilhite
Published by Multnomah Books

Pastor Jude Wilhite of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada has written his book, “Torn” from the perspective of how to respond to evil. In the beginning of the book, he makes a claim I am not comfortable agreeing with, but beyond that, the book is a great edition to the many books covering the problem of evil and suffering.

Wilhite does not cover the “Why” question though. He claims there is a more important question beyond that, and I couldn’t agree more. There is a question of “How” do I endure this suffering being a Christian. When someone is going through pain, suffering, experiencing evil, and so on, there is no true comfort in having explanations for why God allows evil. There just aren’t. There is no reason that a person can accept pain and suffering as a rational aspect of life when it is at such a high magnitude.

Rather, Wilhite gives a pastoral response. What I mean is this. Instead of trying to convince someone it is okay because pain and suffering just exist, or because there are reasons for people to go through it, Wilhite takes a different direction. He talks about trusting in God, forgiving those who have committed evils against us, choosing to rejoice in Christ when all seems lost, and the list goes on.

If you are a pastor and wish to have a great account for how to deal with this issue on an emotional, caring and loving way, then this is the book for you. If you are a Christian and are going through pain and suffering and want to make sense of it all, this book is for you. But, if you are looking for an intellectual in depth dissection on the problem of pain and suffering and evil, then look elsewhere.
**I was given this book by the publisher for my unbiased review of it.

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