Thursday, May 10, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage and the Basis for Morality

Photo taken from


The worldwide webernet is ablaze with discussion regarding same-sex marriage right now. Surely you have noticed that much. President Obama has unveiled his support for it, though it’s a bit late for the North Carolina election and a number of people are torn. Some say the president should have done more while others applaud him for doing more than any other president. Some are accusing North Carolina voters of being bigots while others are commending them for their vote.

Not too long ago Joel Osteen actually revealed his feeling on an issue. Even Joel Osteen says same-sex marriage isn’t “God’s best” for a person. Whatever that means. Evangelicals and political conservatives have taken a verbal beating from the other side. Either way, Christians and supporters of “traditional marriage” are not going to win this debate. I say that hesitantly so let me define that statement. 

Photo taken from
Disclaimer: This photo serves to give
readers an idea of how Evangelicals
and political conservatives are being
painted in the public eye today. The
sign does not represent my view.
By “win this debate” I mean that we are either going to come off as harsh, overbearing, bigots, homophobes, hate mongers, and the list of adjectives goes on, or we are going to lose the fight at the polls. That’s not to say that we are harsh, overbearing, bigots, homophobes, hate mongers, or [fill in the blank]. What it means is that this is an issue that deserves a lot of sensitivity. Regardless of how we word our stance, those supporting same-sex marriage are going to view us negatively.

While we could go back and forth debating the issue, I’m not convinced that this is the appropriate place for that discussion. To put it another way, the internet is now known for hosting civility. Instead, let’s have a different discussion.

Generation Y is the most researched generation in world history. When it comes to consistent thinking and issues of morality, the statistics don’t look good for us. I’m not convinced that this is a Gen Y issue though. I believe this is a western, media saturated, cultural issue. Unless a person has set out specifically to formulate his/her personal philosophy and worldview, I am not convinced he/she will think consistently. No matter what generation you are a part of. Further, I’m not convinced many people have done this.

Instead of giving examples, I’d like to hear from you. What is your source of moral authority? Is there even an objective basis for determining “right” and “wrong,” “moral” and “immoral,” or “good” and “evil”? If so, then what is that basis? If not, then on what grounds do you base your decisions?

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