Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Welcome Back & Prayer for Police Officers

It has been a long time since my last post. Too long. Nearly three years to the day. I’ve decided to begin writing again due to my current situation. As the new Director and CEO for Transforming Jail Ministries (Hamilton County, Ohio), I feel it is best that I share my experiences and what I learn as I take this journey.

In the midst of this transitionary period, I have decided to journal privately each day, tracking the greatest moments. My hope is to have a “first 100 days” journal that could potentially be useful for others who are becoming executives for the first time. 

Additionally, this new position has brought about a number of highs and lows. In my first month, I’ve delivered several death notices, gave an invocation and benediction for a sheriff’s deputy academy graduation, and learned that the relationship between faith and government is simpler than I had thought. 

Our organization has a unique and special relationship with the correctional facilities we serve. Without going into any detail, I’ll assure you that it is only by the work of God that we’ve been allowed such privilege. One of the ways I work to maintain such a relationship is by remembering to serve the deputies and correctional staff just as we serve the inmates. 

The following prayers were the invocation and benediction I prayed over Hamilton County’s 120th Graduating Class of Sheriff’s Deputies. My hope is that you too may pray this prayer for our officers and yours. While it isn’t magical, and I don’t propose that its even the best, it is a prayer and I think one that is helpful.



Over the past weeks, the men and women before me have gone through rigorous training to get to this point. They are the few brave men and women who dare to put their lives on the line to serve our community, and I thank you for providing them for our protection.

Father, I thank you for calling these men and women to a career which so few could ever do. And as they protect your creation on this side of eternity, I pray you bless them with safety and provide them with a strong sense of justice, just as you are just. 

Father, I ask these things in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.



The men and women before me offer their lives to protect our community. Likewise, their families have also sacrificed a great deal and will continue to do so as their loved ones serve in the line of duty day-in and day-out.

I ask of you to give their family members courage, that you would give them peace of mind, and if something tragic should occur, that you give them peace beyond reason.

As the officers before me leave this place:
- I pray you give them courage to face grave dangers, but also the courage to do that which is right even if some around them might urge them to take an easier path that is less holy.
- I pray you provide them with the kind of justice you demand, the kind of mercy and sympathy that reflects your love, and a sense of humanitarian justice that acknowledges even the hardened criminal is made in your image.

From this point forward, their lives will change.
- Their judgment and discretion will be challenged and their character will be tested. I pray you give them the ability to walk in the light, to be above reproach, and to exhibit love even to those whom are difficult to love; just as you have loved a difficult person like me.
- Some will go on the roads and may face situations where their personal security is at risk. I pray that you grant them wisdom beyond their years in those moments. I pray you protect them in those moments.
- All of them will be tested in ways they’ve never imagined. Be with them especially in those moments.

Father, as you work through them as instruments of protection for your children on this earth: Be with them. Bless them. Protect them.

I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and my Savior. Amen.

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