Monday, April 9, 2012

Trusting in the Sovereignty of God

Dear Readers,

This post is not primarily about me, nor is it primarily about my doubts, fears, frustrations, or complaints. This post is about thankfulness and joy. The thankfulness and joy we have in Christ who has redeemed us. Coming out of Easter Sunday, my awareness has been heightened as it has been with most. My thankfulness and gratitude for my salvation and the multiple blessings God has given me is great. At that same time, I am fighting doubt.

What is doubt? In relation to faith, doubt is the lack of trust in a providential sovereign God. It is sin. President Obama recently claimed that Christ had his doubts, but we know from Scripture that would be impossible. We also know that we are to be imitators of Christ. While our president claims Christ doubted, Scripture states otherwise. Thus, we are required to place our complete confidence and trust in Christ alone. But that does not mean we always will.

For some time now I have been on a job hunt in attempt to find that one position that God has called me to. I cannot say with 100% honesty that I haven’t doubted his sovereignty and providence in my life at various points throughout this journey. However, in my heart of hearts I know he is orchestrating the story of my life; the story I will tell and retell to my children and grandchildren if God chooses to bless me with them one day.

Today I started reading the book of Daniel. We should never read moralism into the Old Testament as the primary meaning of any text. Rather, we should always seek to understand how Scripture reveals God and points to Christ However, there are usually moral lessons explaining how we are to live in the midst various situations. Belteshazzar (Daniel), Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) were taken captive into Babylon. In the face of death and danger, they stood bold. Daniel did not fear the King and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego all kept their confidence in the God of Israel when thrown into the fiery furnace. As a result, they displayed who they believe God really is to King Nebuchadnezzar and all of Babylon.

Likewise, when we face the kinds of trials that could give birth to doubt, we should seek God for strength and wisdom. We should remain confident and trusting in the God who has blessed us, a people so undeserving, with so much. Not only because it is the right, moral, thing to do, but because it displays how we think of God. If we do not place our trust and confidence in God, then we are living as practical deists at best and deny the God revealed in Scripture.

Another way to practice this is to seek one another. We can and should be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters; not only in word and deed, but also in prayer. That brings me to my last point. As Emma and I seek to be obedient in our calling, we ask for your prayers. In light of global economic struggles, the job market is a barbaric wasteland fit only for the most aggressive applicants. My personality as an introvert and compassion for others who are seeking to provide makes it hard. If you have a moment today or tomorrow, I just ask that you say a quick prayer as I will be praying for you as well. For others in this same boat, my hope is that you can relate and find encouragement in this letter.


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